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Electronics Workbench 5.0c


Problem Description:Hello, I have an old,old version of Electronics Workbench and LayoutPersonalEdition Version 5.0c. Ser # EHW-01-05438 and U911385.

I have used theseversions on and off since 1998 when I purchased them from InteractiveImage. Iam trying to reinstall it on a windows 98b machine and I get a message thatsays, ' The Setup program has detected that this disk set has already beenusedby: Lane C Hoyt, EHW-01-, It is acceptable for the legal owner toreinstall the product in order to update an existing copy or to replace acorrupted or missing version of the program'.

Electronics Workbench Download Free

I then go through the usuallsetup dirctory stuff and then get the following message: ' ElectronicsWorkbench Setup has encounntered an err writing Serial Number informationtothe install disk. Please make sure that the disk is not write protected,andthat you are installing from the original disk.'


Electronics Workbench Program

The disk is not writeproteted and it is the original disk 1 of 6. I use the program rarely but Idouse it.

Electronic Workbench 2018

Is there ANY WAY to edit a file on the install disk or delete asetupfile??? How can I reinstall this program HELP!!!!

I don't want to spend themoney for a new version when I use it so rarely.Thanks for any Help yopu can offer,Lane Hoyt.

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